Free CMA (Comparative Market Analysis)

Appraisers and Realtors® alike establish the approximate value of your property by using “the Comparative Market Analysis”, otherwise known as “the CMA”. The estimated selling price for your home is arrived at by comparing similar properties (ideally sold within the last six months) using square footage, location, general condition, amenities and size of the property…

Realtors® and appraisers commonly add or subtract value depending on location and amenities. For example, you might add $X for a new roof, or subtract $Y if your home does not have a garage. The actual value of additions/subtractions is related to local market conditions, and is best determined with the aid of a qualified professional.

Part of my service includes offering a free, no obligation CMA. My CMA should be used only as a guide to pricing your home, and is not an appraisal. Just fill out this form and I will prepare it and return the CMA as soon as possible.

A professional CMA is a very time-consuming process. Therefore, I will phone or e-mail you before I proceed to verify your requirements. Remember, the CMA is no-obligation and no-cost.

Please Note: I am licensed only in Oregon, and cannot provide you with a CMA in another state. However, I can refer you to a qualified professional in any state or Canada. Just send me an emal and tell me your needs.